Bike Stuff > Two Wheel waffle for all

200mph Club

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She did a new PB this morning of 187MPH with a side wind tomorrow's wind is looking favourable here's hoping

Good effort.  :icon_thumright:


--- Quote from: michael4012 on August 24, 2014, 06:04:05 AM ---She did a new PB this morning of 187MPH with side wind tomorrow's wind is looking favourable here's hoping

--- End quote ---
It is on a stock road spec 08 with a modest 167BHP I think I'm going to put a race fairing on to see what difference it makes

She's just done a 189MPH confirmed on the GPS but tomorrow mornings conditions look better so hopefully 190 is do able :-P

Forget that last post she just did a 190MPH & the morning still needs to come [rofl]


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