General Category > Have a laugh in 'ere

bored superman


One particular night Superman wasn't saving the planet for a change, so having this spare time decided to call on a few superhero mates to see if they
fancied a beer.
looking through his address book he thumbed along the pages and phoned Batman first,
'Batman, hi, it's Superman here, fancy a night on the piss?'
Batman replied 'sorry superman, i'm fixing the batcycle tonight, can't do me old chum'
'Oh never mind' said superman 'another time eh?'

So the next person he called was spiderman, 'Hi spidey, it's superman here, fancy coming to mine for a few cold ones?'
'Sorry superman, gotta fit me new and improved web shooters, maybe next week'

Having been let down twice, he thought sod this i'll just go and call on Catwoman, 'she's always up for a laugh' he said to himself and with that he
flew over to Catwoman's penthouse to call for her to go out.

On arriving there he thought 'i'll use my X-ray vision just to see if she is in.  He looked in and saw catwoman on all fours completely naked, moaning and groaning,
'Bloody hell' said superman 'called at the right time here didn't i?'

So with lightning speed he flew in the window wipped his cock out, hammer-drilled catwoman, shot his load and left so quick as so she wouldn't know.

Catwoman, stopped what she was doing and said 'what the fuck was that?'
Just then the invisible man said 'dunno, but my arse is fucking sore'

2 pints of heavy:
oldie but a goodie :icon_thumright:

Andy J:
 [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]


--- Quote from: 2 pints of heavy on May 10, 2007, 08:23:28 PM ---oldie but a goodie :icon_thumright:

--- End quote ---


 [rofl] [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]


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