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Chinese Grand Prix ZX-RR Wallpaper
I've got access to the website which have really high res pictures so I sometimes resize some of the cool pictures for wallpaper
Might aswell share if some of you love the ZX-RR like myself :lol:
not sure if this does the re-size lark so appolgies if someone wants to tell me how to make it smaller for preview but its 1024x768
Andy J:
I just saved the image, opened it with paint and then changed size to 70% and hey presto.
great pic fella :icon_thumright:
Nice one Kev B-) +BHP
--- Quote from: Andy J on May 09, 2007, 09:48:27 PM ---smaller
I just saved the image, opened it with paint and then changed size to 70% and hey presto.
great pic fella :icon_thumright:
--- End quote ---
See you do have some uses....................just!
Andy J:
I'll take that as a compliment fella [whistle] :icon_thumright: [rofl] [rofl]
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