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5th Gear fireblade vs civic Type R
Andy J:
superb, I enjoyed that full length version :icon_thumright:
I thought it was just bollocks Honda PR Spin to make their crappy hot hatch look fast.......JT spent most of the lap on the back wheel so the car could keep up........and as for it overtaking him into the slow corners and being "8 seconds a lap slower" what a load shit!
You would need a tuned Cateram or a Radical to get anywhere near a quick lap with JT on board......a fair test would see the car more like 25 seconds a lap slower..........
Stuff like this really winds me up...........ARSE!!!
hey jt is the man.... top vid :icon_thumright:
not bad but the test should of been see how much jt can get it sideways and not the knee down :dontknow:
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