General Category > Have a laugh in 'ere
Which sci-fi/fictional character are you?
2 pints of heavy:
Elrond....christ i'm an elf.....a stern yet benevolent organizer who often knows best your wits are keenly fixed on aiding efforts you deem worthy [rofl]
An experienced survivor who has maneuvered around many obstacles, you are looked up to by those who rely on your good judgment.
In the last few years, we've stumbled. We stumbled at the death of the president, the war, and on and on. When you stumble a lot you tend to look at your feet. Now we have to make people lift their eyes back to the horizon and see the line of ancestors behind us saying, "Make my life have meaning," and to our inheritors before us saying, "create the world we will live in."
--- Quote from: horse on May 09, 2007, 10:15:58 PM ---
See even as a women I'm as hard as nails.......................
--- End quote ---
I always thought you were a night MARE [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]
A sombre tactician who keeps emotional flares in check,you bravely refuse to back down when fighting for matters of honour.
Prehaps today is a good day to die.
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