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Speed Dreams: The Fastest Place On Earth


BBC2 next Sunday at 10pm I think  :icon_scratch:

Episode 1 was on last night, think there are 2 in total. A really good show, documentary about british bike lunatics who build bikes in their sheds and race their creations at Utah's Bonneville Salt Flats.

(Good to see the BBC have something decent on about bikes and not 'casting them down' as Hell's own rapist's and murderer's who flount the law)

Can't wait for episode 2 now....... :lol:

Deffo worth catching it on iPlayer if you missed last nights.  :icon_thumright:

I concur, was very good! Was gutted when it finished and they said "watch the next episode to find out what happens"........  [wall] LOL

Cant wait for the next one  :hello2:


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