Gallery > Gallery

In the begin there was....... and in the end .........

<< < (10/10)

think it was just oe covered it was on it when I bought her.....

oh and for you guys that know I used engine paint on the link pipe....... wasn't hot enough resistance back to the drawing board  :cry:


--- Quote from: GRNINJA on May 16, 2007, 12:02:19 PM ---oh and for you guys that know I used engine paint on the link pipe....... wasn't hot enough resistance back to the drawing board  :cry:

--- End quote ---

Arse!!  [wall]

Is there more heat resistant paint about? You've got to keep that look now you've disovered it!

All ok now kev I done it in a thinner layer and it held all day at mallory on thing a bit chiped of in the van so gonna re apply a little better  :icon_thumright:


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