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In the begin there was....... and in the end .........

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--- Quote from: GRNINJA on May 06, 2007, 09:55:45 PM ---my ten is staying Dave..... will be kept for a long time anyhow....

once paid will just start again with a new bike me thinks  :icon_thumright:

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Best way G  :icon_thumright:


I will treat my ten like you treat your little gem dave  :icon_thumright:

as I have only been bike 3 years I would say this is my biking era as such.... so will keep it as my baby :icon_thumright:

Andy J:
hey G I've had loads of bikes in in 28 years of riding and have liked everybike I've had but my 10R is my baby too  :icon_thumright:  pride is a good thing for sure  :occasion14:

yeah but andy your a 20 year old at heart  :icon_thumright:

Andy J:

--- Quote from: GRNINJA on May 06, 2007, 10:28:23 PM ---yeah but andy your a 20 year old at heart  :icon_thumright:

--- End quote ---

aye 41 going on 20  [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]


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