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Continuing my Statham theme - anyone seen this one yet? Not one of his best


Kaos Theory:
Is that the one where he walks out to the lads robbing the car with a hurley in his hands and says...

"This lads...is a hurley, used in the Irish game of hurling...a cross between hockey and murder."  [rofl]

Rest of it was forgettable enough but that line had me in stitches, as I used to play hurling & he's not far wrong . :tongue3:

Awful again  [wall] he really is hit and miss in his films to be fair

he will never be anything that the dude from Snatch ... still one of the best film ever

"yes tommy, before ze germans get here"


--- Quote from: Kaos Theory on August 31, 2012, 09:54:07 AM ---Is that the one where he walks out to the lads robbing the car with a hurley in his hands and says...

"This lads...is a hurley, used in the Irish game of hurling...a cross between hockey and murder."  [rofl]

Rest of it was forgettable enough but that line had me in stitches, as I used to play hurling & he's not far wrong . :tongue3:

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That's the one  :icon_thumright:

--- Quote from: GRNINJA on August 31, 2012, 10:20:08 AM ---Awful again  [wall] he really is hit and miss in his films to be fair

--- End quote ---




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