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lol not for long hehe dieting  but struggling lisa keeps giving me cakes the cow lol


--- Quote from: Henas on August 31, 2012, 10:13:02 PM ---leading upto my title fight
5 kms every morning before work the 2 hrs weights, 20 min speed ball and skipping x3 times a week

--- End quote ---

Steve, I'd forgotten about your MT.

Any tips on the skipping - I just can't quite get it to click at all? And do you do those handstand pushups, because I'm buggered if I can...

--- Quote from: Henas on August 31, 2012, 10:13:02 PM ---
but then bike accident 25th jan
laid off  just started back  gym upto 3 plates aside bentch no help
300kg leg press
120kg squats
light calf raises as if you saw my injuries they are quite bad lol
swimming and stretching
back next weekend for my first kickboxing session  fingers crossed wont be long before i can compete again

--- End quote ---

Glad you're back on it  :icon_thumright:


skipping is just rythem dave  i usualy do it to music i started by jumping both feet together then landing on 1 at a time then switching then you can start mastering the cross overs ;)
 yes they're called comando push ups if you do a handstand against wall then push lock arms out then release till your nose touches floor so you have to be looking at floor basicaly a upsidedown shoulder press:)
for my black belt which took 7 hours i did over 3000 press ups sit ups and burpees as well as loads of line works and 4 attack bag men plus be able to instruct correctly when knackered (hardest thing i ever did ) and i got my 2nd dan next year :-s

Cheers Steve, I'll keep at it  :icon_thumright:



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