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My other toy.

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My 610 was a kick and it was a bitch, i tried to kick it in the shed once and it kicked back and nearly put me through the roof :shock: [rofl]

I had a nice CCM 604 as well that had a leccy start,ah bliss.

Took mine to work one Sunday and a mate had a go at kicking it to start it up. Had to get the paramedics in to him as he did his leg in,AND it was all caught on cctv!!!!   [rofl]  [rofl]  [rofl]

He was ok really after a bit,just limped for a few days.  :roll:


Andy J:
 [rofl] [rofl]  mine was electric and there was even a knack with that ............  :headbang:

I much prefer my CR250 though as it's so fast it's scarey as hell Muuuuuuuuuuuhahahahahahahahaha


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