Administration > Admin & Announcements

VIP*** New Announcement 03-01-2012

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--- Quote from: GRNINJA on January 03, 2012, 11:07:10 AM ---

Also we are welcoming WheelTrax to the management of the forum , a fresh head to help move the forum forward and not backwards as it seems 2011 did.

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is that cos i joined  :cry:


--- Quote from: roy on January 04, 2012, 05:54:28 PM ---its all cool mate   :icon_thumleft: and i still don't mind contributing to a dam good site filled with good info and good people  :occasion14:
Ditto that  :icon_thumright: For the same price as a couple of bike mags,contributing to a subscription for the site to me is bloody good value. Invaluable info,jokes,comments,racing,for  sale section, and a naughty section ,what more could you want? Here's to a great 2012. :icon_thumright:
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--- Quote from: EXJ10R on January 05, 2012, 08:48:48 PM ---
--- Quote from: topher454 on January 04, 2012, 07:54:32 PM ---sounds good to me  :icon_thumright:

heres hoping we can get back to the 2009-10 numbers :-)

Kawasaki day at the Ace Cafe anyone  :occasion14:

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Go even better than that and get to the madness of 2007.... :headbang:

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Aaah, the golden years eh Jay  :icon_thumright:

Ok cool Thanks for the intro


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