General Category > General waffle in here

North Wales police

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Lovin the way they both slow down when they come up behind the Volvo and once they know it's not 'ol bill bang off they go again.

They did seem to be getting close to some of the vehicles they were undertaking  and there was a fair bit of sped invovled as well.

hmmm........ do people not ever filter on carriage ways then.... not that I am condoning what they did but I am just wondering

I filter but not in that manner.

I tend to sit behind the car for a while and if they don't move over into an empty lane after about 2-3 minutes then I do undertake them but I tend to then move to the far left of the lane to give myself as much opportunity to avoid any manuveres that the car is likely to put on me.

As I understand the whole thing about undertaking it's not illegal if carried out in a safe manner.  If  not you can be prosecuted for driving without due care for other road users, but the Police take a dim view of undertaking as I was told.  Could have been just pub talk as I can't remember where I was told.

I am not sure I can discuss in what manner filtering is right or wrong as I usually get it wrong.... :dontknow:

I do it though some may say its would be dangerous i think that I am doing it safely. B-)


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