Bike Stuff > Two Wheel waffle for all


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When I'm toooo old to ride the KaTooM I'll probably need one these of touring things to go on holiday
I can only hope that by that time they have fitted a larger exhaustcan, you can hardly see it now :lol:

Seems to handle quite well

or may be I'll just take the train ;-)

strange beastie looking thing

Andy J:
horses for courses, music seemed inappropriate for a tourer, looks like they expect it'll bring in younger riders................han it's for 50+ year olds surely  [naughty]

fook me, he was getting the cans down at the end hahaha

I really like this bike, but..........

I know after having a Blackbird for nearly a year, it can be a pian when all your mates are on a mission on their out and out sports bikes.

I had quite a few character building moments  :shock:

I like the idea of the exhaust doubling up as a pannier, very clever  B-)


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