General Category > Have a laugh in 'ere
trying to remember this one....
2 pints of heavy:
A very short and frail man is standing in an elevator
at the next floor the doors open and a mountain of a black man steps inside,
trying not to stare the tall fella catches the little chap staring and says
"7 foot 2 inches, 457lbs,3lb left nut 3 lb right nut, 24inch pecker ,Ben Sober"
just then the little fellow faints
after the emergency crew revives the man the taller of the 2 looks at him and says "what the hell happened?"
the little guy says
"well it's what you said"
the big guys says
"well whenever someone sees me they always ask the same questions, so i thought i'd answer them before you asked...i'm 7 foot 2 inches tall..i weigh 457lbs....i have a 3lb left nut and a 3lb right dick is 24 inches long and Ben name"
" Ben Sober?..." says the little guy..." i thought you said bend over"
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