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Red Neck Retard Tries to Kill Biker

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Too much moonshine has f*****d his brain,...if he ever had one. :mad:

Those double yellows looked to be a bit unnecessary all the way along that road  :?:

You can never be sure what sick Physco might be driving that car you're about to overtake  :shock:


--- Quote from: Jak on May 30, 2011, 10:24:20 AM ---Those double yellows looked to be a bit unnecessary all the way along that road  :?:

You can never be sure what sick Physco might be driving that car you're about to overtake  :shock:

--- End quote ---

Yep there sure are plenty to take your pick from  :crybaby2:

Mark GVA:
 :iamwithstupid: exactly


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