Technical Stuff > Forum How To's

selling stuff

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Do I have to donate to see what other people are selling?

These seem fair points to me, but as i remember, when you view the site as a guest, you can see everything but when you register, you can't see everything.  Paying to sell stuff is fine, but others may wish to buy stuff for sale on here but can't because they have no access to the for sale section.

It would be nice as a non contributing member to be able to reply to Parts wanted posts. I totally understand why the site has rules on advertising to help raise revenue for the site, however its different if a member is requesting something specific.

I rarely come to the site now as I've not owned a 10R for a while. I just had a quick look as a guest while passing some time and a saw a few low value bits in the wanted section which I have gathering dust in my loft. I'm not that fussed if I sell them or not but could have helped a member out. I logged in to post a reply but cannot as the section disappears. I'm not going to contribute to a site I no longer use (I contribute on a few other that I use regularly) but regular members maybe miss the chance of locating parts which they are specifically looking for.


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