deja vu
it's the opinion of a single person or small group which is influenced, I'm not saying that the !0R is the best bike, we all know how good the blade is and I for one didn't buy my 10R because a spotty journo said I should. I bought the ten because it looks fooking fantastic and rides like a wild animal on speed
It all begs the question of why you buy these mags, the best place to find an honest opinion is on forums like this from real life owners who live with the bikes and don't make a judgemant by thrashing around a silky smooth race track comparing by the millisecond with sponsors all watching and offering 'advice'
My ten is old and by far the nicest looking bike on the planet and is a far better bike than I am a rider, i have no need for the latest and greatest as advised by a spotty teenager, I'll stick with 'old dusty' and I'll still ride as fast as I dare and will take my lid off laughing like a madman , everytime.......