General Category > Newbies Intro

Never mind the bollocks, here's r1ninja

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Howdy doody y'all , just hopped across from mcnninjas to say hello  ;D


--- Quote from: r1ninja on October 05, 2006, 09:18:45 PM ---Howdy doody y'all , just hopped across from mcnninjas to say hello  ;D

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Thanks for joining pleased to have you here  ;D


right erm ...bloody hell a tumbleweed  :o So what happens on here then? Do we sit around dissing bikes of lesser see sees ?


--- Quote from: r1ninja on October 05, 2006, 10:31:00 PM ---right erm ...bloody hell a tumbleweed  :o So what happens on here then? Do we sit around dissing bikes of lesser see sees ?

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no of course we doooooooont, we just play on inadequcies  ;) just kidding.

Anythign with 2 wheels is better than not riding at all..


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