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Matris M4R Steering Damper
ok I will find where I read it will post soon
right still searching for it....... but before I post it I want to know what you think speed sensitive refers to..... and then I will tell you my point....
zx10r bob:
Well its all about how much tension is aplied to the piston,or how much Frichion is put on the piston,its all about the fact that for the damper to work at all it needs alot of tension on the piston,but when your just doing 5mph turning round on a car park you need the bars to be as louse as possible,but this amount of damping would be usless at high the new speed senitive dampers give best of both worlds..............
if you find an old duke ask the guy to wind his damper up then have a go at turning the bars while sat on it and you will be lucky if you can go from one lock stop to the other....the tension is pre set to hard but is hard all the time,ware the others can be set to hard but feel to be set soft,and only kick in when a hard or sharpe force is felt on the damper.................
well I heard it from somewhere else so I will be the first to be stood corrected if I can find the original post.... from my understanding though new dampers are as follows
set the clicks to the resistants you want..... small clicks the more freely the movement ..... you try and crank the bars from left to right and the resistants is greater than if you slowly move the bars side to side...
Though I just phoned Henas he works in the trade he explain it to me and it makes sense ...his to busy to post now but will post to explain tomorrow....
but in short mechanical dampers are not truely speed sensesitive ..... I can not explain sorry but he will tomorrow :-)
so bob stand corrected ... but I would love to find that original post where I was told all dampers were speed sensitive in one way or another
zx10r bob:
no worries mate ;-)
all that counts realy is how good it looks on the pub car park [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]
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