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Author Topic: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this  (Read 3757 times)


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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2010, 04:40:13 PM »

Im with you there Kev.
Every point you make re dogs/owners/kids is 100% spot on.
If it aint broken fix it till it is  :tongue3:


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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2010, 08:42:33 AM »

allowing anyone to own a "dangerous" breed of dog is a bit like allowing anyone to ride a ZX10R without a license  :!:

It will never happen, because it will cost too much to put in place, but anyone wanting to buy one of the so called "dangerous" breeds of dog should have top pass some kind of assessment or test to make sure they undersatnd the principles of dog behaviour and sensible ownership

I fully agree with the previous poster that it is the owner who should be punished if things go wrong, not the animal

just my 2p worth  :-S

arek PL

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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2010, 10:35:06 AM »

Ok but the question is: what will we consider as a "dangerous" breed? Will we say its dangerous because its big? Or because it has bad reputation? Or maybe because primarily were bred for fights like for example sharpei? And what about those small yappy aggressive toy dogs. I know won't make much damage but do we consider them as aggressive? Imo all dog owners should have licences. But its just my 2p opinion lol
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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2010, 08:07:30 PM »

yes it's all very sad and i agree some sort of control needs to be inplace i'm a dog owner myself and ther's always been one or two in the family since iv'e been born but these attacks are few and far between unlike the abuse some kids go through from i wont call them humans as they are sick beasts that have no right being in this world maybe we should petition for this filth to get a needle like some of these dogs will get

arek PL

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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2010, 08:16:54 PM »

yes it's all very sad and i agree some sort of control needs to be inplace i'm a dog owner myself and ther's always been one or two in the family since iv'e been born but these attacks are few and far between unlike the abuse some kids go through from i wont call them humans as they are sick beasts that have no right being in this world maybe we should petition for this filth to get a needle like some of these dogs will get

I can provide "medication"  :lol:
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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2010, 01:47:22 PM »



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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #21 on: September 09, 2010, 03:04:32 PM »

Stop allowing the breeding of dangerous dogs! Simple. Theres no point to them whatsoever. Kids who are brought up around dogs will always want to make friends with them. Mine do and i have to tell them regularly that not all dogs are as soft as our border collie. Yes, ive got a collie and it doesnt make me less of a man than a pitbull owner. All dogs are capable of turning on a child if mistreated. A lot of kids know no better but they do not deserve death or disfigurement because of it. I wouldnt condone putting down innocent "dangerous dogs" but i do think the breeding of them should stop.
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arek PL

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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2010, 05:54:31 PM »

Jamma I agree with u but my point is: what do we classify as "dangerous breed or dog" ? Who's the one to decide what dog should be considered as a dangerous one?
« Last Edit: September 09, 2010, 11:27:32 PM by arek PL »
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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2010, 08:47:19 PM »

Good point but i think if we start with all breeds that were originally bred for fighting or hunting large game, we would be on the right track. Rottweilers, staffys, mastiffs etc. anything with a history of aggression. I agree partly "with the nurture not nature" argument but there is no doubt that these breeds are more pre-disposed to aggression due to many years of selective breeding.
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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2010, 10:24:04 PM »

not the dogs jamma lets just stop breeding knobheads that own them just put them down that would be a better idea and the world would be a happier place anyway them border collies are a nightmare always when you ride past a farm there at your ankles and nearly under yuor wheels [rofl]


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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #25 on: September 09, 2010, 11:14:43 PM »

not the dogs jamma lets just stop breeding knobheads that own them just put them down that would be a better idea and the world would be a happier place anyway them border collies are a nightmare always when you ride past a farm there at your ankles and nearly under yuor wheels [rofl]

 :iamwithstupid:  I have to agree.  As I said, I have a Rottweiler, who is a great family pet, but he has been well raised, disciplined and loved.  I had this breed of dog as a child from the age of 5, and have only happy memories of my many years with them as pets.  I have also had a Border Collie, who again was a great dog, but Collies are a very very intelligent breed, and need to be kept well exercised and stimulated.....I have known a few over the years that have been a handful, and not very good around strangers.

Are the big breeds really more disposed to attacks??  Remember we only hear and read what the press say.  I think you'll find that attacks and bites are very common from all breeds, but dont make the headlines.  Thats the way of the world........I mean, whats gonna sell papers.....A Sunday league footballer shagging his best mates mum, or Rooney Humping Prossies......


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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #26 on: September 09, 2010, 11:23:47 PM »

Kick 'em, they learn quickly! And they're nimble little fookers, they'll get out of the way. As far as putting down the knobhead owners, i couldn't agree more. I know there are a great many responsible owners of rottweilers and the like out there and i apologise if i have offended anyone but our childrens safety is more important than dogs. When i take my 2 daughters for a walk on the beach and see a rottweiler, staffy or similar off its lead it makes me nervous knowing what sort of damage it could do to a 5 year old girl in the short time it would take me to drag it off. Im sure most of 'em are fine but you just dont know.

That was meant as a reply to john.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2010, 11:26:12 PM by jamma10566 »
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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #27 on: September 09, 2010, 11:30:46 PM »

Dale, i know what you're saying and i reckon large breeds are probably LESS likely to attack. The problem is the damage they can do and how quickly they can do it. If your kid gets nipped by a jack russel thats a part of lifes little learning process but a bite form a mastiff doesnt bear thinking about.
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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #28 on: September 09, 2010, 11:43:25 PM »

I can see your point jamma but the person who has the dog off the lead on the beach should have full control of it,if they havent it should be on the lead,and its that persons responsibility, anyway when your on your ride dont touch any dogs would piss myself if you got bit only joking mate.off subject when you get back from your ride do you fancy doing a trackday half way from cornwall to warrington so we are travelling the same distance few of us do them up north never been down south on a trackday would be good fun we dont take it serious just take the piss and think were fast but in reality shit slow :icon_thumleft:


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Re: Dangerous dog ! how long before something is done about this
« Reply #29 on: September 09, 2010, 11:51:45 PM »

I agree with some of your sentiments Jamma.  Yes a big dog can do a lot more harm potentially, just like getting hit by a Lorry instead of a car.  and I have been in the same situation as you, seeing other dogs, especially when my kids were small, not knowing if the owners were responsible or not.  i am wary of ANY dog i dont know if I approach it, but I treat it with respect, as I'm sure most people do. 

This is a difficult debate, with varying opinions, and alot of good input, and this is a motorbike forum for christ's sake......Just imagine how difficult this is for the powers that be to actually deal with this issue and find a solution.
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