i don't want to sound like a grumpy old twat here (i'm only 32 mind) but jeses christ, what the foook are they teaching in schools nowadays? found this listing on ebay for a zx9r and thought i'd share. look at the grammer ffs!! i admit to being lazy using txt speak or whatever its called now and then but jesus christ, i think this guy is just a complete thicko. it starts off ok but i think he just loses interest after a minute of typing.
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150480107579&_trksid=p2759.l1259i couldn't help sending him a message to amuse myself. lets see if he posts it on the listing for people to see...
'alrite m8, ow much wud u tek 4 the byke? ow long av u bin tekkin it on the trak 4? an ow the foook did it mek 198mph? u shure the speado int readin in kmh? gud lukin byke thow. chearz'
let u know what his response is