General Category > Newbies Intro

Should I take garlic and a wooden stake?

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--- Quote from: zxyogi on April 16, 2007, 09:45:19 PM ---
--- Quote from: simple on April 16, 2007, 04:57:53 PM ---Yogi ...................

R U OK ??? :dontknow:

--- End quote ---

Dodged the milk but the sugar got me!!


--- End quote ---

 [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]@Yogi +bhp mate  :downtown:

Thanks for the welcome fellas.
Smoggyland = Teesside
What can I say but here it is. Zero miles on the clock. I got them to deliver it coz I couldn't get out of work before they closed.
I took it straight out and put 100 miles on it. I'll give you some first impressions later as I'm up early in morning. All I'll say now is I've been home two hours and I'm still tingling from the anticipation of the first ride and the excitement of knowing after the first ride what a bike it is going to be.

Andy J:
lovely  :icon_thumright:

Need a comparison with your 9 mate.

That bike even looks good in Black  :shock:

Gix: just up the roads from you mate in Durham.....often down Helmsley way.....if you need owt gis a shout and will be glad to help if a can...... :icon_thumright:


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