Bike Stuff > Two Wheel waffle for all

New bikes

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Andy J:

first bike I had 2 months cause I couldn't insure second bike bored me I liked it but I wanted newer faster better and I could afford it at the time.

had that just over a year.... wanted a litre bike so I changed.... Probably keep it for a year or 2 depending on how I feel.... :pottytrain2:

How long do you keep your bikes for ?
Why do you change them ?
Does the depreciation hurt ?

I usually keep my bikes for 12 - 18 mths depending on the deals goin.

I usually change cause i fancy a change, either make or type of bike. EG I changed my Blade for a VFR800.

It depends on my mood, i'm not very loyal to brands. Most sports bikes are the same anyway, makes no difference if it's a Blade, GSXR or ZX10. If's more down to colour and shape now i think.

I don't get to work any quicker on my ZX10 than I did on my R1. I got my ZX10 mainly cause of it's rep. I want to feel a bit of anticipation every time i ride my bike  B-)

Deprecitaion doesn't bother me, I don't have a cage and although bikes lose money, they aren't as bad as cars. My neighbours with their crappy Fords, Vauxhalls lose well more than I do.

I probably changed to often....every year for the past 6 years....I think now I have reached the stage where I have been fortunate enough to have achieved what I wanted in Biking....had the latest kit and got myself up to a reasonable level skill wise...I aint the fastest..but I aint the slowest either...and to be honest thats becoming less and less important you know I acquired a Blade recently through a very mutual deal with Richie Ninja...if that hadn't came about I had decided to hold on to my 636 for another 2 years then just Track it...I intend to do similar with the Blade....I will then take the decision based on where I am financially wether I get a more Road orientated Bike or not...Zimmer possibly... [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]           ;-)

Had my last ZX6 for 6 years, my R1 for 2 1/2 years and my cr250 for 5 years. I dont change much. Only got the 10 because a mate said he would buy my 6. Dont like selling bikes, who wants some wanker kicking your tyres and criticizing your paj. And dealers rip you off on trade in . My 2p ;)


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