Idiots, we get loads n loads of people coming in the store after kit for there wives girlfreinds, They are on r1s blades etc. they have Corsairs GP Techs X spirits and full leathers, when it comes to kitting out the birds, CHEAP IS ALWAYS WHAT THEY WANT and the most famous quote that we here always is..... THEY ONLY GO ON THE BACK OCCASIONALLY.
It doesnt matter when they go on, they could come off or get knocked off at any time.
To answer the original question, My lady rides her own bike now and when she was on the back of mine she had everything Arai Astar Stella suit Daytona boots and Astar gloves,
If i was to come off and mame her i could never live with myself, we are the ones in control and have a duty in care for our pillions.
These guys that take there birds on the back out to google road rash queen (Brittany Morrow) from the states, then they could see what can happen with out the correct gear.