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new arrow kit

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Yeah Arata have gone the same way, chav chav chav :lol:

Andy J:
 :dontknow:    chav or simply popular due to quality and brand awareness  :dontknow:

chav, dad........ get with the program........ here you have a 21 year old trendsetter,              B-)          tryin his hardest to show you the light..........  if you ignore it, you'll become a chav, so post me your akra can, and i'll make you  cool non chav one.  :lol:

Andy J:

--- Quote from: mikeybeamish on April 14, 2007, 12:39:08 PM ---chav, dad........ get with the program........ here you have a 21 year old trendsetter,              B-)          tryin his hardest to show you the light..........  if you ignore it, you'll become a chav, so post me your akra can, and i'll make you  cool non chav one.  :lol:

--- End quote ---

 [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]  it's in the post son....................... :pottytrain2:

 [rofl] [rofl] [rofl] a bit like R1's then were a good piece of kit till all the Chavs bought em  [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]


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