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Race fit or sato

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zx10r bob:
i must agree with horse on this one.................those racefit cans are the best sounding cans on the planet bar none.....................................go to there is a down load of a can on a full dyno test............its amazing...................................check i t out................

zx10r bob:
eere you don,t no..................well just start your bike up and don,t rev it ,this is the idle speed about 1100 rpm...........................................

I went on that website(speedys) but I didn't see any sound clips, do you have a link?

Race fit are a very nice piece of kit.....  ive got one for my 10 just got to fit it next week.  :icon_thumright:

Went out with Lovell yesterday, im running a Micron Stubby,  also sounds nice but not as nice as the growler, also i noticed my micron was louder than the growler in a horrible way....

get a growler pal, you wont be dissapointed. :occasion14:

Ive got one and the sound is FOOKING awesome!!
Not  loud and offensive at slow speeds but when you crack the fooker open Jeeeeez does she sound sweet!!
Am still undivided wether i wanna sell it or not!!
Gonna refit it for tomorrows rideout and Brands!



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