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Race fit or sato

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Sorry Guys, just realised i didn't post any pictures of mine.

hope these give you some idea as i just took em quick for you lot.

this is the 1 st Ti system and only system made be the Boys at racefit for a zx10r, despite a recent add on flea bay which was not done by them as said.

I know a 2nd is now in prgress being made for my Bitch........... [rofl]



--- Quote from: GRNINJA on July 13, 2007, 10:11:32 AM ---about the price of the growler I think.... think its is like 1100 dollars over there  :dontknow:

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oh i see said the blind man  [rofl] [rofl]

get what you pay for G dont ya think. :icon_thumright:

you sure do buddy  :icon_thumright:

Andy J:
Very nice K, think I'll pop into my garage to knock one up this afternoon  [whistle]   [rofl]

Looks a lot nicer than the standard with exhaust valve  [pray] well worth the change  :icon_thumright:


--- Quote from: Andy J on July 13, 2007, 10:28:48 AM ---Very nice K, think I'll pop into my garage to knock one up this afternoon  [whistle]   [rofl]

Looks a lot nicer than the standard with exhaust valve  [pray] well worth the change  :icon_thumright:

--- End quote ---
cheers buddy  :occasion14:


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