Ive been watching this thread since it started, telling myself "Dont get involved!" but fuck it, im gonna have my rant!
Theres no point giving superbikes to the old bill cos none of them can ride worth a shit and you cant nerf a Saxo off the road with a Ducati.
As for the argument about if you exceed speed limits, you ARE a criminal, hands up anyone on this site who isnt a criminal! Anyone?
Im sure the majority of us have done 150+ on public roads. Do you feel that you are a menace to society and should go to prison for it?
Theres a little chavvy twat in this area who has just been sent to prison on his 20th offence. Numerous asbos etc, proper little pain in the fucking arse but the legal system left him to roam free 'til he beat some poor bastard half to death. If only he had been caught speeding he would have been sent straight to jail, do not pass go, get ass raped in the showers.
Where is the justice and logic in our legal system?
I know there will be a lot of coppers out there who will argue that "we dont make the laws, we just uphold them". Well, you are the grass roots of the system, have the balls to stand up and say "this isnt right, it should be changed".
Rant over (for now) and, breathe!