Technical Stuff > Forum How To's

Can we have a section added for more info ?


Hi Guys

I keep finding people in the wanted section that don't say what year their bike is  :-S

can we have the model of ZX10 owned in the section to the left like where i have my location info ?

would make it far easier and logical to answer peoples questions
Bad enough that 90% don't bother filling in their location :roll:


Sounds like a good idea, my local forum has a section on profile to put the bike you own and it appears on the left where you say.
thats why i improvised and added mine to the location details ages ago lol

Hi Lisa

Yes exactly like your's is ideal  :icon_thumright:

Adjusting mine now too

I just find it easier without having to ask the poster any dumb questions :emb:


I am on the other forums too as RickZ1k or Cobra as here
Poor "Big Nick" binned in front of me last weekend on the 675  :-S
when we went for a razzle

Ah hello Rick from other forum and yes er um not so good bout Nick - gutted for him

Are you going to the Orwell open day soon, I've met Nick before but be good to meet some other local people, espcially ones with good bikes LOL

Hi Lisa

Nick was fine but the Trumpet is no more.

Insurance bloke wrote it off on wednesday
He's hoping to get the chance to buy it back as it would be an awesome trackbike :icon_thumright:



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