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--- Quote from: mikeybeamish on April 03, 2007, 12:30:54 PM ---its easier for a r clip to come out (centrifugal force) than it is for a split pin to unbend itself and then slide out... thats all horsey... plue split pins look neater.

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I'm sorry, what Centrifugal Force?? R clip is stationary,

the plate is 7x5, as for r pin, pull it out and you have a delay,, about 8 sec,s, my old 10 r had blue touchpaper,,, :roll:


--- Quote from: greennmean on April 03, 2007, 03:02:36 PM ---the plate is 7x5, as for r pin, pull it out and you have a delay,, about 8 sec,s, my old 10 r had blue touchpaper,,, :roll:

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Cheers, not sure if i should go for a 8x6 or 7x5.  Your looks like you will just about get away with it.

As for the pin, its a case of the split pin is more secure, I;m not saying your clip will come off just the pin is better. Probably why Kawasaki use the pin, as will every one else for securing vital parts...

p.s. im not say its dangerous you probably could ride for 500,000 miles and it wont come off. But the split pin will take you 500 million.   :icon_thumright:

Just good engineering practise.


Regarding your plate sizes, did you see the article in mcn last week. the English police forces have issued statement regarding plates and dark visors. Stating that bikers will not be targeted directly for small plates or fonts, as long as it's readable at about 20 metres. Dark visors won't be targeted as long as it's used in suitable weather conditions. Scottish chief Constable of course said he had not received any directives so it will be a free for all up here again.
P.S, I had a 7x5 on my last bike for 3 years, never had a problem.

Sure that was not a police statement, was just a study group doing something for the police. They will sit down later and talk about these issues. Going to re-read artical.


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