Gallery > Modification Gallery

some new mods

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looking good fella, keep up the good work......

Might hav some spare BHP for you to go with that K&N (SSSSHHHHHH  DONT TELL HORSE)  4 days and counting [rofl] :icon_thumright:

Dream ON!!!

Just one comment, if it was me i would use a proper split pin on your rear nut not what you have on....

Just a thought.  :icon_thumright:


--- Quote from: slim_boy_fat on April 03, 2007, 08:56:01 AM ---Just one comment, if it was me i would use a proper split pin on your rear nut not what you have on....

Just a thought.  :icon_thumright:

--- End quote ---

Why? a safety clip/R clip (whatever you wish to call it) does excatly the same job without all the hassle off removing.

its easier for a r clip to come out (centrifugal force) than it is for a split pin to unbend itself and then slide out... thats all horsey... plue split pins look neater.


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