So long story
I bought some twin cans' for the 06
Turned out they were off a full system and slip on's
Whilst the 06 is of course a bolt on design
And so - I'm after something to adapt the slip on's to bolt ons
Found a guy who'll give it a go in knocking something up
And so he's after some info
Could any help in getting these number
And i'll be sure to put it plenty of photo's up after their are fitted
And do we know if the flange is flat.....flange ha ha
If I take the std can's off to take photo's. Is it simply unscrewing the nuts etc and removing the can??
To quote
"Ill need the A , B and C dimensions off your standard cans
If you could also tell me what size the bolts are and if there is a sticky out bit , what diameter and how far it sticks out.
Can you see where the cans bolt on when they are on the bike ?"
One of the can's in question