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Recomend me a bike cam

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IF you already have a good quality camcorder.....

Websites not up to much (still working on it) but the cam mounts the best Ive ever tried.

They look as bad as the Mottrax rubbish that you see in the shops, not much confidence in it if you still have a cord attached somewhere else!!!  :shock:

wouldn't catch me using the sucker type version for love nor money.  [naughty]

Fair nuff.

Have to say tho that this is a product that Ive designed, developed, built and used myself. And I stand by what I said. Its the best system Ive ever used.
Its been tested in excess of 140mph and I can tell you it sticks like shit to a blanket.
Check the vids to see how stable the system is.
The lanyard? anybody would be a fool to have an expensive camera attached to a bike without one.

But hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinion..... as long as its based on facts  :pottytrain2:


--- Quote from: Wheeltrax on March 08, 2010, 10:48:03 AM ---Fair nuff.

Have to say tho that this is a product that Ive designed, developed, built and used myself. And I stand by what I said. Its the best system Ive ever used.
Its been tested in excess of 140mph and I can tell you it sticks like shit to a blanket.
Check the vids to see how stable the system is.
The lanyard? anybody would be a fool to have an expensive camera attached to a bike without one.

But hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinion..... as long as its based on facts  :pottytrain2:

--- End quote ---

I have no doubt that you would praise your own product, it would be sales suicide not too, I just wouldn't trust the sucker type system myself and as for in excess of 140, how in excess are we talking  :dontknow:
I agree with the lanyard comment though.  :headbang:
I have previously used the tank mounted ones which are the best system in my mind as they are securely fixed by bolts, the downside being the view through the screen.

Not sure how much "in excess" coz I wuz too scared to look  :shock:


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