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10R picture thread for non-10s
..and a very tidy FZ :icon_thumright:
Mark GVA:
Last bike before the 10....had this for whizzing round the city....MT-03, 600 thumper
scottish g:
Thanks to Horse for sorting my tinted indicator & tail lights - fitted today :occasion14: :occasion14:
Heres my last bike and what a beuty it was :-( anyway had to give the shagged tyres a send off hehe
Here's some of my previous bikes, how the years have slipped by . . . . . . . . ! Z1000 J used gallons of oil even after warranty fix, GPZ B2 was sadly stolen, Uni-Trac was modded with FZR wheels, bigger cooler etc etc and GSXR was stolen too, only one still on the road is the 400/4 ! :lol:
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