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10R picture thread for 'barra's

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Just run intermediates or wets, you can usually pick  them up cheap.

Wouldnt they get too hot on dry roads? Ive never used non road tyres hence the silly questions  :emb:

nooooooo, fuk road tyres, inters or cut slicks mate all day long  :occasion14:

wets are ok too, they move about a bit when really hot but still better than road tyres pal....ask horse, usually they rear sticks so well the front comes up and he ends on his ass  :downtown: :downtown:


--- Quote from: psg2 on May 13, 2014, 06:56:49 PM ---wets are ok too, they move about a bit when really hot but still better than road tyres pal....ask horse, usually they rear sticks so well the front comes up and he ends on his ass  :downtown: :downtown:

--- End quote ---

Comedian  [rofl]


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