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10R picture thread for 1st gens

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that is just rediculously nice! whats the swing arm? stock arm looks weedy doesnt it

--- Quote from: tony83 on July 07, 2010, 07:24:03 PM ---Bring on the Hurricane (HAYATE)  :headbang:

--- End quote ---

very nice  :icon_thumleft:

are those standard clip ons?

Its an 08/09with some secret mods.

aaah the old hurricane brought out of retirement lol.

got a couple new pics to add to this thread, new gold did zvmx chain and black sprocket looks loads better.
got some more mods planned over winter gonna foam fill frame to help carbon airbox and gonna change clocks to 06 ones for analogue rev counter. will loose few thousand miles in process lol. And she needs a new coolant overflow bootle as one of hose nipples got broke on gearbox rebuild.

plus the usual tax test and new tires ready for spring...

here's some close up pics of arm. as hammy said its an 08/09 that i modded. mainly paint removal with relocated bobbins (cut old mounts off) and made my own quick release wheel system.


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