I often ride with a side mounted camera, as said above, it can work to your advantage, we were chased last year for SFA, we were going through a small village in Derbyshire, staying behind a transit van at 30mph, as soon as the road changed to a 50 zone we overtook it, P*g appeared from nowhere, 4 of us pulled over and 3 said "F*ck this" and outran & lost the P*g, my point being I reviewed the footage over and over and had we been pulled over I had overwhelming evidence we had done nothing wrong.
Also don't we have something similar to the Americans pleading the 5th amendement & a right not to incriminate ourselves, therefore siezing our footage would be violating our right not to incriminate ourselves.
No legal expert, just my thoughts.
On a similar note I had enquired as to getting a GPS tracker fitted, after going to their webpage and looking at what info you are giving out every time you ride the bike I decided it was a no-no.
Anyone wants to check this stuff out go to
www.mototrak.net go to the login button, use 'moto' as username & password, click on '0001demo', click on a date on the calendar on the right of the screen, look at what it throws out, {time, distance, average speed etc} then click 'show route on map' . The map has different coloured arrows showing your speed at every 1 minute interval.
If this were available to the P*gs we would be truly screwed. {If our throttle slipped
that is}. Then again, are they legally allowed to access this information ?
Cheers Ergo