I go every year, arrive about 11:00am and leave at about 5:50pm to catch the tail end of the rush hour. Got there at noon today, did two laps of the halls and was back on the road for 3:30pm. I missed the absent coffee stalls, it's easier if you just want a drink. The Norton was better than I thought, the riding gear prices were non-competitive, the BMW stand was ok, the only bike I sat on was the S1000RR, I sat on all the others last year. There was no crowds, although there seemed to be just as many wheelchairs as usual, one old guy had a pensioner buggy in Rossi colours.
I'd have thought the average customer at Rukka, Daytona boots, and Halverson was a 50-something like me. I got around all those stands while the staff chattered to themselves and didn't get one "can I help you"?
The only thing I bought was tickets for the Riders for Health draw, they seem to be a group that really does make a difference.