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That looks good  :icon_thumright:

Andy think one of those growlers would lok good on yours  [whistle]


looking very cool    :glasses9:

Swap ya Lovell :icon_thumright:

Looks wicked mate bet your glad its done.

Andy J:

--- Quote from: davemfox on March 26, 2007, 04:31:34 PM ---That looks good  :icon_thumright:

Andy think one of those growlers would lok good on yours  [whistle]


--- End quote ---

yes and get invited to the North Wales police christmas party after funding the fekker via fines, nah, I'll keep the Acra pal  :icon_thumright: fancy a apintjob now though just don't tell 'er indoors  [whistle]  [rofl] [rofl]


--- Quote from: Andy J on March 26, 2007, 06:54:02 PM ---
--- Quote from: davemfox on March 26, 2007, 04:31:34 PM ---That looks good  :icon_thumright:

Andy think one of those growlers would lok good on yours  [whistle]


--- End quote ---

yes and get invited to the North Wales police christmas party after funding the fekker via fines, nah, I'll keep the Acra pal  :icon_thumright: fancy a apintjob now though just don't tell 'er indoors  [whistle]  [rofl] [rofl]

--- End quote ---

Hey andy, promise we will keep YOUR PAINT JOB  a secret  :icon_thumright:

 :icon_scratch:  BUT DONT YA THINK SHE WILL NOTICE..............


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