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Andy J:
I reckon my lovely RED wheels will be ready this week and then what will you talk about :pottytrain2: it's all in hand (well fingers are crossed [whistle] ) then I have my racetecs sorted with 'speadfreak' - big thanks to Russ :headbang: so I'll be ready to run on Sunday :headbang:
I changed the filter tonight and put the blueish sidelights in that Pat gave me an age ago, cheers Pat, and filled the oil so we're serviced and ready to roll yer piss taking fekker................
thanks in advance to Horse, Keiron, Pat F and Speadfreak :icon_thumright:
And to you Dave :pottytrain2: [rofl] [rofl]
and your son mikey, dunno what for, just wanted to be thanked!
Andy J:
--- Quote from: mikeybeamish on March 26, 2007, 09:35:04 PM ---and your son mikey, dunno what for, just wanted to be thanked!
--- End quote ---
thanks Mikey for taking time to visit me on Saturday and Thanks G for sorting me out with a t shirt.............
and Thanks to everyone on this site for being here :icon_thumright:
you see I could win a trophy and would be great in the thanking bit [rofl] [rofl]
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