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my GSXR11 that I had for 8 years

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Andy J:
just thought I'd post a few pics of my GSXR that Dave used to have to try and keep up with  [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

It was a 1989 GSXR1100K and I sold it about 3 years ago, I owned it for around 8 and loved every moment on it, well except when the chain snapped, ooops and the run to Brands 220 miles each way with a dry headstock and a weave over 80 mph but I got there and back ok

It was all red/white/back when I bought it and after 6 years I decided that I wanted it to be blue so went and bought a load of junk form ebay and changed it to the blue un, well it kept me busy over a cold winter

hey there's me, I found that the polished casing was great for 'doing me 'air' I got sick of cracking mirrors  [rofl] [rofl]

It really was a great bike, never missed a beat and handled ok (well whats in a wobble now and then  :dontknow:   [rofl] [rofl])

nice mate.... not my cuppa tea as I have only really been into biking a few years... but I can see alotta love in there matey   :headbang:

Andy J:
it was more about work than buying bits to bolt on, I enjoyed it loads and learned a lot too...........

You should try riding one, it'd put you off bikes for life  [rofl] [rofl]  the supercorsa's helped to keep it upright though  :icon_thumright:

nah thats why I like the modern stuff mate fast a fook stop on a penny and like its on rails and looks like a beast to ... all I need in 1  :icon_thumright:

Nice Andy. I liked it in the red and white.

I like the hard as nails look of a newish sports bike rear end and no fairing and straight bars.


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