well im 42 yrs old and having a mid life crisis ,,,my trade that i have been in for over 15 yrs has been slowing down for some years now and having just finished my third job in 3yrs its all gone horible wrong,,,,,
the stress of driving over 750 miles in five days and being resposible for about 60,000 pounds of work each week was to much,,,,,plus to break even i need to be doing about 110,ooo a week,,,,,
so i thought a change was as good as a rest........so of i went in too the unknown , and found my self a job as a Product Advisor in the energy sector,,,,,,loft insulation and cavity wall,,stuff.......well the BIG mistake was that the job didn`t tell me was that i was too generate my own work via DOOR Knocking and Leaflet drops,,,,this work is just sole distroying big time.....NO ONE buys anything from the door step anymore,but my boss thinks it the future,,,,,,Fucking knob,,,,,,,i keep saying to him lets just advertise like everyone else....but ooooo know....Bob just get out there and Knock those doors....................Shit me , im just one or two days from getting a job as a pot washer,,,in the local cafe........
i carn`t belive my hole carrier is just slipping away from me,,,,,,,,Pants....Pants......phew,,,well rant over and back to looking for ANOTHER Job,,,,,,,,,