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My 06 ZX10r

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I like the back end as long as the exhuasts are not the standard ones.


Taling about the 07 ZX10R, I prefer the green belly pan.

Although i'm not into the friggin stickers they've put on it  :icon_puke_r:

They'd def have to come off

I fancy getting my wheels painted green though over the winter.  B-)

I saw some arrow cans on one today pics will be in the ride outs section very soon..

Andy J:

--- Quote from: GRNINJA on October 15, 2006, 07:12:17 PM ---I saw some arrow cans on one today pics will be in the ride outs section very soon..

--- End quote ---

I used to have an Arrow on mine, I'll find some pics, it was a really nice can but a great deal came up on the Acra so I had o change  :headbang:


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