as someone who sells helmets for a living I'm often asked the question, which is the quietest? the answer is always the same, how long's a piece of string.
Its not just the helmet which determines how noisy or not it may be but there are dozens of variables involved. A helmet that one person finds quiet, someone else will find noisy.
If you're trying to find a helmet that will block out all noise then give up now, it will never happen. However one which fits closely around the neck and cheeks will be quieter than one which doesnt.
I personally wear arai's and have done for over 10 years. For me they are the best fitting, most comfortable available. I also dont find them that noisy but as per above, thats not true for everybody and you only find these things out by experience.
Currently have the new RX7 GP after having Corsairs for a few years. Very comfy, excellent vision in the peripheral areas and very stable at high speeds.
Cobra88 I'd be asking your mate how he looks after his helmet if as you say its 'continually falling to bits' I've never had any breakages ever on any of the Arai's I've owned.