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Donington 24/8/09 Fast group
That was my mate 1 legged Kenny. He never did hang off even when he had 2 legs! Hes bloody quick tho'. His boot on the left hand side (missing leg side) is wornso bad that half his false foot is missing! He wears the cheap leg for trackdays and saves the good one for playing squash and snowboarding!!
looked to me like you pushed some one off in the last 4 mins of the vid [whistle]
wish i lived abit closer to a race track :crybaby2:
Surely you must be mistaken? Which one did you mean? There were a few that looked a bit close but they werent that bad in reality. Honest. [whistle]
Nice vid mate. Those craner curves look the ducks nuts!
Hi Jamma
Superb vid mate, i was there the same day (inters) and you was up there with the quicker boys of the fast group, think you need to give Rossi some tips :icon_thumright:
Have a pony +bhp
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