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Gillis GP Chain Adjusters for 06 ZX10R

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I'm really confused! have had mine fitted for about 15,000 mikes and never had any problem................I can not see any reasomn why they would bend as there is no tension on them!

Now I know this sounds stupid but once you have chain tensioned using adjusters you are tightening and torquing (108 NM on torque wrench) wheel spindle? As this will take all the tension off adjusters. This is the only reason I can see that they would bend.

Will be intrested to see what happens in future.


--- Quote from: horse on March 22, 2007, 05:12:45 AM ---I'm really confused! have had mine fitted for about 15,000 mikes and never had any problem................I can not see any reasomn why they would bend as there is no tension on them!

Now I know this sounds stupid but once you have chain tensioned using adjusters you are tightening and torquing (108 NM on torque wrench) wheel spindle? As this will take all the tension off adjusters. This is the only reason I can see that they would bend.

Will be intrested to see what happens in future.

--- End quote ---


I've got them on my gixxer - will be interested to see the outcome too



--- Quote from: horse on March 22, 2007, 05:12:45 AM ---I'm really confused! have had mine fitted for about 15,000 mikes and never had any problem................I can not see any reasomn why they would bend as there is no tension on them!

Now I know this sounds stupid but once you have chain tensioned using adjusters you are tightening and torquing (108 NM on torque wrench) wheel spindle? As this will take all the tension off adjusters. This is the only reason I can see that they would bend.

Will be intrested to see what happens in future.

--- End quote ---

shit horse giving advice weldone + 10 BHP  [clap] [clap] [clap]

Hi Everyone,  thanks for the replies?  I think i Know why they have given up.  I fitted them as per the instructions! on the instructions that i got with the set it tells you to fit a washer between the adjuster and the swingarm!(why i dont know). this washer causes a 1.3mm gap between the guidance and the swingarm.  this gap is what has allowed the movement in the system.  Thus causing the failure of the alloy.  I have took lots of photo's and made a powerpoint presentation and sent it to gilles as i am sure the instructions that i revieved for the 06, 10r are wrong.  i bought them for my brother for his zx6r and his has no washer uls8,4 fitted.  I know that this is a long one guys,  to everyone that has them fitted is there a washer ULS8,4 fitted and if so wear do the instructions say it goes.  if anyone wants to see all the picks i can e-mail them.  many thanks for the help guys oh ment to say yes i tourqed the spindle up!

Simon 13:
 Morning Steviej,
   Your right it could be the extra washer, can't really understand why it would be needed? The set I fitted to mine sat flush and snugg against the swing arm, only washer involved was the one that sits behind the axel nut. The only thing I can think of is that the adjustment bolt on the 06 model may be drilled more central than on the 04-05 swing arm therefore leaving small gap between adjuster and swing arm. Gilles may have not thought of this till it was to late and thought 'ach just throw an extra washer in'!
   Well good look with Gilles mate. :icon_thumleft:


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