Technical Stuff > Forum How To's

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Andy J:
I'll get Glenn on the case as I get this .........

You can change your personal information on this page. This information will be displayed throughout ZX 10 R Forum...... If you aren't comfortable with sharing some information, simply skip it - nothing here is required. 
 Personalized Picture:
 I have my own pic:
Specify your own avatar by URL. (ex:
 I will upload my own picture:

Personal Text:   

Year (YYYY) - Month (MM) - Day (DD)  -  -   
Gender:    Male Female 

This is your ICQ number. 
This is your AOL Instant Messenger nickname. 
Your MSN messenger email address. 
This is your Yahoo! Instant Messenger nickname. 

Custom Title:   
Signatures are displayed at the bottom of each post or personal message. BBC code and smileys may be used in your signature.

Max 300; characters remaining: 224 

Website title:
This must be included if you specify a URL below. 
Website URL:
This must be a complete URL.  

Cheers dude.

I should be pretty au-fait with forums cos I run one, so it at least reassures me I am not going senile or blind lol. 

We use a newish version of V bulletin that's different to this one though and tbh I am more familiar with that setup :)

Andy J:
I've sent Glenn a pm to have a look  :icon_thumright:

Mine was the same last time I looked... Cant access anything to change profile picture...  :icon_scratch:


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