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Profile Picture

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Sorry for being dumb but i cannot change my profile picture, there was a post regarding but no resolve unless i'm being totally dumb.

Thanks for help!  [wall]

Andy J:
select profile
forum profile info
and upload the new one matey  :icon_thumright:

Upload it to which bit of profile info ? I can see a signature box - but not an avatar box ???

Andy J:
don't you see within 'forumprofile info' ...............

I will upload my own picture:  ? :-/

No - well not unless I am losing my marbles (which is always a strong possibility lol)

In that section I've linked upto an offsite hosting (photobucket) to tag a signature picture on OK - but there is nothing as far as I can see that alludes to linking to avatars or uploading any picture from my PC ?

I have .......


You can change your personal information on this page. This information will be displayed throughout ZX 10 R Forum...... If you aren't comfortable with sharing some information, simply skip it - nothing here is required.

Personal Text:
Birthdate: Year (YYYY) - Month (MM) - Day (DD)
   - -
ICQ: This is your ICQ number.
AIM: This is your AOL Instant Messenger nickname.
MSN: Your MSN messenger email address.
YIM: This is your Yahoo! Instant Messenger nickname.
Custom Title:

Signatures are displayed at the bottom of each post or personal message. BBC code and smileys may be used in your signature.

Website title:

This must be included if you specify a URL below.
Website URL:

This must be a complete URL.


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