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nikko de resiction module

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only saying what ive heard no expert myself
all info of what it does here


--- Quote ---It is installed in a few minutes in between the connectors and the ignition box (CDI)
--- End quote ---

Hmmm. CDI = Capacitive Discharge Ignition, but bikes haven't had CDI boxes for quite a while now. Most bikes these days have an Engine Control Unit that controls both the fuel injection mapping and the ignition as well as exup valves etc.  The description seems rather vague and i'd be reluctant to send them my cash.

try this one


this doesnt fool the bike into thnking in a gear it knows what gear you are in because there are two of the boxes to fit one goes on the gear module
it does 2nd and 3rd and doesnt touch 1st gear soif it fool the bike into thinking it in one gear how can it not do anything to 1st gear because the tre does all gears


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